11view 3.0a
11view is a free, fast and easy image viewer with several unique features.
11view is a free, fast and easy image viewer with several unique features. It shows, prints and converts images with the highest possible quality.
Special features: loading-time interpolation makes any picture appear smooth and clear when stretched onto a full screen, color management corrects color and brightness distortions giving you the most realistic colors possible, gamma correction allows you to light-up dark images or darken too bright ones while viewing them, the lossless JPEG convertor, the GIF animation compiler, the icon/cursor compiler, the interactive lens tool and more.
The batch convertor tool allows you to choose destination palette, color depth, dithering method, transparency options and extended format-specific options.
Plus standard features: handy interface with customizable controls, file management tools, the high-quality "Print" function with preview, the "Acquire" function, the "Send by E-mail" function and more.
and more compiler the allows you

Download 11view 3.0a
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