Secure Keys 4.0.2
Even with the very best anti-spyware devices running, spyware still seems to find its way into your online computers, so, the Secure Keys idea is, to assume that you are being spied on, sometimes, and to operate invisible to these spies.
Even with the very best anti-spyware devices running, spyware still seems to find its way into your online computers, so, the Secure Keys idea is, to assume that you are being spied on, sometimes, and to operate invisible to these spies.
Secure Keys is a very sophisticated, antispy, on-screen keyboard which you can use instead of you regular, physical keyboard, or Windows on-screen keyboard to send key strokes directly from its window to the destination, window-to-web page, or window-to-window, so conventional, key-logger spies will not see it. .
Secure Keys is a security utility, built to enter short expressions, particularly, ..usernames, and ..passwords, on ...logon web pages in Internet Explorer (and IE clones), but it can also be used to enter text in application window textboxes. . SecureKeys manages window focus flawlessly, and sends key strokes invisibly.
Using Secure Keys is just like using your regular keyboard. You click the text box in the web page or window where you want to type, and then you type using your mouse to click the Secure Keys' keyboard. . There are additonal features you can use, also.
Unlike your standard keyboard, or Windows on-screen keyboard, Secure Keys does not use the Windows keyboard buffer to register your key strokes . Characters are sent directly, window-to-web page, or window-to-window, so Secure Keys can not be spied-on by conventional, key-logger spies.
Note: Secure Keys can not protect against all types of spyware, but it improves your protection by defeating the widely distributed key logger spies.
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