RightClick 1.2
RightClck is a useful program that lets users extend or even completely redesign the Windows desktop right-click mouse menu.
RightClck is a useful program that lets users extend or even completely redesign the Windows desktop right-click mouse menu.
When a user right-clicks on their Windows desktop, RightClick's custom made menus comes up.
Users can add short-cuts, tasks, system commands, and much more to the menu.
It's also fully skinnable and can be set to automatically inherit the user's current WindowBlinds visual style.
For users who normally have their desktop covered up, a hot key can be set up so that will activate it at any time.
RightClick supports displaying running tasks, the Start menu, the system tray and virtually anything else one might imagine having on there allowing the user to replace the Start bar if they so chose (and in fact RightClick supports hiding the Start bar).
the start start bar rightclick supports the user windows desktop

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