Mouse Pro 1.0
Utility Mouse Pro is unique and consequently you will not find here phrases like "it favourably differs from any other".
Utility Mouse Pro is unique and consequently you will not find here phrases like "it favourably differs from any other". In the program original ideas of the author are realized and at the same time gathered some classical abilities, allowing to expand functionality and to raise convenience of working with the mouse.
At present the utility works only under control of Windows family OS. We hope, that soon owing to your support there will be versions for other OS as well.
Mouse Pro has two more functions allowing to reduce the mouse haul and to raise convenience of working: acceleration (or deceleration) of cursor movement and wraparound of the cursor.
The wraparound function leads to that the cursor of the mouse, crossing border of the screen, appears from the opposite side. Both functions becomes activated by pressing and keeping respective keys on the keyboard.
At the same time Mouse Pro is compatible with another programs, does not cause conflicts at management of the cursor, is undemanding of system resources.
Mouse Pro features
mouse pro the cursor the mouse the cursors raise convenience the same same time

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Mouse Pro Team
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