JavaExe 3.0.1
JavaExe is a free software that makes it possible to launch your Java application starting from an .
JavaExe is a free software that makes it possible to launch your Java application starting from an .exe as if it were about a Windows application, a system service, or a Control Panel.
JavaExe isn’t an independent executable of a JDK or of a JRE, it is necessary to have installed at least a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If JavaExe doesn’t detect a JDK or JRE, it will open an Internet browser to the Sun’s website to download the current JRE.
You can provide a JRE with your application. In this case, you must put it in a directory named "jre", itself in the directory of the EXE or the directory "resource".
It’s possible to specify which minimum version of Java you wish to use to launch your application. For that you must create a file,, bearing the same name as the main .class or .jar (as for the renaming of JavaExe.exe).
This file contains 12 properties used by JavaExe :
JRE version (or JREversion) = to specify the minimum version of java: 1.4 ; 1.3 ; ...
Run Type (or RunType) = to specify how the application must be launched : '2' for a ControlPanel, '1' for a service-application, or ' 0' (or nothing) for a normal application.
Main Class (or MainClass) = to indicate the complete name of your main .class if it's in a package : myPackage.MyClass (only if there is no Manifest file in the .jar).
Main Args (or MainArgs) = these values will have passed in arguments to the main method of your main class, in the variable (String[] args).
Resource Directory (or ResourceDirectory) = to specify the resource directory containing the DLL, the image, the properties files,…. If this parameter isn’t specify, the directory named « resource » will be use by default.
Class Directory (or ClassDirectory) = to specify the directories (separated by ‘;’) to recursively scan to find all .jar or .zip files to add in the ClassPath.
Personal Classpath (or PersonalClasspath) = if your application needs additional .jar or .class files or being in other directories.
Personal Options (or PersonalOptions) = to specify the JVM parameters.
Path JRE (or PathJRE) = pathname of the JRE if it is provided with the application. By default it will be required in the directory “jre” on the same level as the .exe or in the directory “resource”.
Path Browser (or PathBrowser) = pathname of the browser to be used for the installation possible of a JRE (by default it is the pathname of InternetExplorer).
Display BoxInstall (or Display_BoxInstall) = to indicate if a message must be displayed when JavaExe does not find a JRE or JDK, and asking whether one wishes to install a JRE or to leave the application. Only two values are accepted : '0' or '1'.
URL InstallJRE (or URL_InstallJRE) = allows to indicate a URL on which JavaExe will open a browser if no JRE or JDK is found with the launching of the application. If this property is not indicated, it is the URL on which will be taken.
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