What Is Transferring 1.0
What Is Transferring is a easy-to-use packet sniffer for Windows 2000/XP.
What Is Transferring is a easy-to-use packet sniffer for Windows 2000/XP. It is able to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter, and view the captured data in Text mode (for HTML page, email, etc.) or in Hex/Ascii mode (for ZIP, JPEG, GIF, etc.). With this software, you can check:
1) If there is any unwanted connections.
For example, if you do nothing but this software captured some HTTP or UDP connections - it means that some software automatically tried to connect to other computer. (might be spyware, adware, virus, trojan, etc.)
2) What have those connections sent or received. For example, if you installed adware on your computer, you may want to know if your privacy was sent out.
It works on Windows 2000/XP, no need to install any capture driver. It also allows you to save captured data to text file.
for example this software mode for captured data windows 2000

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Download What Is Transferring 1.0
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