VIRILE is a two-packaged of true type fonts that were redesigned after a pair of analog Art Nouveau fonts.
VIRILE is a two-packaged of true type fonts that were redesigned after a pair of analog Art Nouveau fonts. The name isn't so good but that's what it was. You can use the fonts separately or use the Solid as a fill for the Open.
Each font includes caps, lowercase, numbers, punctuation, and international characters. These 2 VIRILE fonts are available free.
The two font names are VIRILE Open and VIRILE Solid.
They were based on analog reproductions of a pair of classic Art Nouveau fonts of the same names, as illustrated in Dan X. Solo's books.
In a page-design program like Quark or PageMaker, create a block of text in the VIRILE SOLID font. Copy that block of text and paste it directly over the first. Then change the font to VIRILE OPEN and cha
open and virile solid virile open use the nouveau fonts art nouveau

Download VIRILE 1.5
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