USB Mass Storage Flusher 2.0.3
USB Mass Storage Flusher is a simple and light-weight software program that will flush the file-system cache on a specified removable drive i.
USB Mass Storage Flusher is a simple and light-weight software program that will flush the file-system cache on a specified removable drive i.e. USB Mass Storage pen-drive, or flash-disk, ... It prevents data loss against the removing of the mass storage device connected to a computer.
Usage: on a windows explorer windows, right-click on a removable drive and select the new installed menu "Flush". A pop-up windows says that data will be securely written on the memory-device; the operation will take from few seconds to minutes according to the size of the transferred data. A new pop-up will appear with the description of the result of the operation.
Warning: Before flush a drive, please don't select that drive on any explorer window. This will be fixed on future version of the program
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Download USB Mass Storage Flusher 2.0.3
Download USB Mass Storage Flusher 2.0.3
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