OligoChecker 2.20.5
OligoChecker will help you organise and utilise your oligos more efficiently.
OligoChecker will help you organise and utilise your oligos more efficiently.
With OligoChecker you can open or import a list of oligos from a tab delimited Excel file (a template is provided) - the data are automatically parsed and the relevant items added to your preference files (e.g. the names of people ordering oligos, the Institute/department they were ordered for, the scale, purity etc).
Oligos which have been quality checked on a gel can be assigned a quality setting (A = green = good to E = red = bad) and are automatically coloured accordingly (giving instant feedback on which oligos to prefer).
You then just paste or drop your DNA sequence into the sequence field and at the click of a button you'll see where oligos bind in the sequence (position, strand, and match length).
You can also export your list of oligos for subsequent use in Amplify.
You can select two oligos for PCR and see the resulting PCR products - just keep in mind that OligoChecker currently uses a very primitive recognition algorithm which only checks for the longest match at the 3’ end.
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