Network Traffic Multi Optional Report 1.2
The Multi Optional Network Query Report is a plugin for the freeware MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic and allows to analyze the traffic of each machine in the local network.
The Multi Optional Network Query Report is a plugin for the freeware MZL & Novatech TrafficStatistic and allows to analyze the traffic of each machine in the local network.
So it can be detected, which machines have high bandwidth usages, which use unusual services or have traffic when staff is absent.
In difference to other network analyzers, the traffic data records are constantly and completely wirtten, so that after an incident the relevant data are available for reporting in a query and there is no need to define filters in advance for logging relevant data.
The report can also be used to build up a basic usage based billing - eg, when sharing a traffic metered DSL connection via WLAN with diffrent users, this report allows to tell, who is responsible for which traffic and therefore responsible for which costs.
for which responsible for relevant data the traffic

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