Mom Knows Best 3.0
Mom Knows Best is a program that will help you to control PC usage.
Mom Knows Best is a program that will help you to control PC usage.
Mom Knows Best is an easy way to restrict and monitor usage of your computer. Our logging features, keyword triggers and our manual white/black lists make Mom Knows Best a great solution for home or small business use. See whats being typed into any program, when its typed and by the user that typed it. Use keyword triggers to restrict a broad range of web sites quickly. Or restrict by domain and file rules.
Ability to set time windows for user defined Web sites, set program time frames on when they may be run, password-protect system and control panel applets. Set up Global or per user profiles key logging so you can see when, where and what a user was typing, web site logging so you can see when and where a user was web surfing, file logging so you can see when and what a user opened on the system, password overrides capabilities if you wish to access to a blocked site or file.
can see see when mom knows you can knows best when and user was and what web sites keyword triggers

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