Keyword Live 2.20
Keyword Live helps you to calculate what keywords are the most popular from several popular search engines - in realtime.
Keyword Live helps you to calculate what keywords are the most popular from several popular search engines - in realtime...
Let's face it, the worlds pretty big, and the Internet really just represents a small portion of it - but even though it's small in comparison, the sheer number of websites is staggering! In order to help users find your site, you need an edge - you need to know how they go about finding sites; what they type into search engines, in order to improve your position. Of course, the only way to do this was to buy reports that detailed what keywords are commonly used, until now...
AnalogX Keyword Live shows you the top 100 keywords and phrases being used on several popular search engines on the web - in real time! Forget getting last months, or even last weeks numbers; with Keyword Live you see what's happening RIGHT NOW, no middleman, no hassle. This one-of-a-kind tool is an absolute MUST for any web developer out there, or even for just a casual user who wants to know what's hot right now.
Keyword Live requires an Internet connection to work, a dialup is fine, but the faster the better. The recommended minimum running time should be around 20 minutes to get stable result. You can also view the totals for the last 7 days in the Online section of the website.
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