HTTPLook 1.25
HTTPLook is a HTTP sniffer designed primarily for webmasters and web- programmers.
HTTPLook is a HTTP sniffer designed primarily for webmasters and web- programmers.
The program allows you to watch control information and other data running between a local computer and a web-server. It shows a list of captured messages and full content of a selected message on a single screen to make your work quick and easy.
The program automatically combines packets to form complete messages and recognizes content type and response status code. It will help you quickly reveal errors on your site, find new methods of web-programming, and understand the work of different servers and browsers.
* HTTP traffic capturing
- You don't need to change your browser or network settings to make HTTPLook work.
- HTTPLook doesn't modify the traffic captured.
- Use the "Start" and "Stop" buttons to control the traffic capture process.
- Set individual capture options for requests and responses.
* Viewing and Analyzing the Traffic
- Set individual display options for requests and responses.
- A powerful message filter:
By response status code
By response content type
- Ability to search message bodies for a specific text string.
- Ability to monitor traffic for a specific message.
- Save and open the traffic files.
the traffic options for for requests requests and and responses set individual the program content type response status status code messages and

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