DriveHQ FileManager 1.1
DriveHQ FileManager is a Windows Explorer-like desktop application that seamlessly integrates the web-based file storage and sharing system to users' local file system, making Internet file management as easy as managing the local file system.
DriveHQ FileManager is a Windows Explorer-like desktop application that seamlessly integrates the web-based file storage and sharing system to users' local file system, making Internet file management as easy as managing the local file system.
It is a convenient application that gives users the chance to download, upload, share and backup files/folders online.
DriveHQ FileManager is designed to greatly enhance the web-based File Storage and Sharing features available on It works just like Window Explorer. Not only it can manage local files, but also it can manage files on with the familiar Windows Explorer-like user interface.
It supports many advanced file-transfering technologies, such as compressed transfer, secure transfer with SSL, resume interrupted transfer, local file caching, etc. Drag-n-drop files/folders from/to Windows Explorer is also supported.
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Download DriveHQ FileManager 1.1
Download DriveHQ FileManager 1.1
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