Data Sanitizer 1.0.1
Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer works by unlinking a file and also specifically overwriting them with garbage data.
Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer works by unlinking a file and also specifically overwriting them with garbage data. For very high security installations, overwiting the file several times is advised. Many government institutions have specific disk wiping standards for file deletion. Particularly, the U.S. DoD specification 5220.22 standard says a file must be overwritten three times.
Disk Wiping Overview
Disk wiping is beneficial for privacy, because files are not completely deleted using operating system's default delete function. In most of the file systems, delete function consists of marking the space occupied by the file as free and updating file system allocation structures, leaving actual file contents intact on the storage media.
If there is continous read and write operations on the drive after deletion, eventually this space will be assigned to other files and would be overwritten. However, if the there hasn't been much of read and write operations since the file was deleted, data recovery software or disk forensic tools have a good chances of retrieving deleted data in chunks or in whole by accessing the disk drive.
So normal 'delete' command or deleting data from the recycle - bin is not a safe method for data removal.
To securely erase we need to follow certain patterns or standards for disk sanitization, the patterns used for overwriting are mentioned below and are available to effectively remove magnetic remnants from the hard drive.
Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer a Data Eraser Utility is designed to do the same job. Data Eraser eliminates data file(s) in different directories with a stroke of a key shredding sensitive data beyond recovery.
Data Eraser offers 9 sanitisation standards for disk wiping, and they are:
Disk Doctors - Eraser is an advanced disk erasing tool (for Windows), which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive or logical drives by overwriting it several times with carefully selected pattern and various international disk sanitisation standards. Works with Windows NT, 2000, XP and DOS.
Disk Doctors - Eraser because of it's intuitive design and a simple user interface, helps you to safely and easily erase private data from your hard drive.
It allows you to erase a complete hard disk and even a logical drive as well.
It offers maximum number of methods for disk erasing.
Data Sanitizer features
disk doctors hard drive data from for disk allows you from your disk erasing your hard disk wiping data sanitizer the file sensitive data doctors data

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