CallerIP 4.1b
CallerIP monitors activity on open ports on your system, which are often not protected by firewalls, so you can identify hackers before your system or confidential information is compromised.
CallerIP monitors activity on open ports on your system, which are often not protected by firewalls, so you can identify hackers before your system or confidential information is compromised.
Worldwide WHOIS lookups show domain and network contact information for IP addresses, web servers and email servers, including abuse reporting information.
Connections to your system are provided in real-time, including the connection time, remote and local IP address, country of origin, remote and local ports being accessed.CallerIP is a software that monitor ports activity.
For Windows XP systems, the process ID is also identified, which helps determine if it is a legitimate process or may be harmful.
A simple click on an IP address shows you where the connection originates on a global map, along with domain and network registration information.
CallerIP actively scans the ports on your system and alerts you to any backdoors or active HTTP/FTP/SMTP services, which could allow a harmful Trojan or enable unauthorized access to your system.
CallerIP features
your system remote and and local the connection and network worldwide whois domain and contact information

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