Adragon Firewall 7
Adragon Firewall 7 is a tool that can log and deny all the access to your files/registry keys on PC.
Adragon Firewall 7 is a tool that can log and deny all the access to your files/registry keys on PC.
Typically, you can
Disable running a program/all programs in a directory(disk).
Disable copying any documents(directories,disks).
Diable opening any documents(directories,disks).
Diable modifying any documents(directories,disks).
Diable deleting any documents(directories,disks).
Diable finding any documents(directories,disks).
Diable printing any documents(files in directories,disks).
Whenever a program is about to read/wirte a file/registry, Adragon Firewall is involved in. Adragon Firewall will search the rules(set by user or by AF7 itself), and then approve or deny the reading/writting operation, at last the operation is logged in a file. e.g. a virus program is going to infect your system files, just at that time, Adragon Firewall find the operation, then the operation is denied and logged.
Adragon Firewall features
any documents directories disks disks diable adragon firewall documents directories the operation the rule the source all the log and

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