ZylBurner 1.71
ZylBurner is a CD / DVD burner Delphi / C++Builder component.
ZylBurner is a CD / DVD burner Delphi / C++Builder component. It needs Nero Burning ROM to be installed. This component is very easy to use, it's ideal for developers for quick CD / DVD writing purposes from Delphi or C++Builder.
ZylBurner is a Delphi component that helps you write DVDs.
The component works in two modes: synchronous mode and asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode the operational functions (Burn, Erase, WriteImage, Eject) always wait for the end of the current operation and return a value which indicates if the operation was successful or not. In synchronous mode the return value of the operational functions is always 0, and the functions don't wait for the end of the current operation.
synchronous mode the end the current current operation for the wait for mode the the operational operational functions

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