Yes AntiVirus-Tool Netsky-P 3.0
Yes Antivirus-Tool Netsky-P is a free utility that removes automatically the virus netsky-p from the infected computer.
Yes Antivirus-Tool Netsky-P is a free utility that removes automatically the virus netsky-p from the infected computer. Just click the scan button and a few seconds later the search result will be displayed.
If the computer is infected, the tool restarts the computer in safe mode, removes the virus and restarts back to normal mode.
NOTE: If you want to scan for the virus you need to press the "Computer Scannen" button , because the program comes only with the german language

Download Yes AntiVirus-Tool Netsky-P 3.0
Download Yes AntiVirus-Tool Netsky-P 3.0
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Yes AntiVirus-Tool Netsky-P 3.0
Yes AntiVirus-Tool Netsky-P
Yes Antivirus-Tool Netsky-P is a free utility that removes automatically the virus netsky-p from the infected computer.
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In many cases, I was forced to do the hard work curing the computers that are infected because they were with no AV already installed on them at all, yes that's true, many people doesn't know whether their computers need an AV software or not, they don't know even know what a computer virus is!
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