Time Value of Money 3.3
Time Value of Money is a finance and loan amortization calculator.
Time Value of Money is a finance and loan amortization calculator.
Time Value of Money calculations include:
- Lump-Sum Investments
- Periodic Investments
- Periodic Withdrawals (Annuities)
- Amortization table generation
In addition, there are nine other financial functions:
- Effective Annual Rate
- Future Value of Uneven Cash Flow
- Probability Distribution
- Standard Deviation
- Capital Asset Pricing Model - CAPM
- Bond Valuation
- Stock Valuation
- Cost of Capital - Tutorial
- Capital Budgeting - Tutorial
Generate, print, and save reports for each financial function.
Use the extensive "help" system for descriptions and examples
of each financial function.
Time Value of Money includes a monthly calendar, a shortcut to the Windows ™ calculator and a FREE *.html Financial Dictionary!
time value financial function investments periodic each financial

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