Time Calculator Pro 2.20
Time Calculator Pro is basically a program used to calculate time.
Time Calculator Pro is basically a program used to calculate time...Unlike 'regular' arithmetic, time units are different. 60 seconds make a minute, 60 minutes an hour, 24 hours a day, 29, 30 or 31 days a month etc. Adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying time values can be a tedious task. Not anymore!
With TCPro, you can do those things easily using a graphical interface that looks just like a calculator. It sure beats doing them in your head or with a paper and pencil, even if you enjoy that kind of thing. Now, comes also the 'Date Analysis Engine' or DAE. This was actually a research project I was working on back in college to develop a perpetual (Gregorian - the one we normally use) calendar utilizing an efficient algorithm.
It was harder than it seemed at first but now works for dates much further into the past and future than most perpetual calendars available. Find out what day you were born or what day your grandfather was born! See if your 100th birhday will be on a weekday or weekend and plan ahead

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