The Einstein Gene 5.24
The Einstein Gene is a software which was developed on the newest research into the most effective VAK learning styles.
The Einstein Gene is a software which was developed on the newest research into the most effective VAK learning styles. VAK is backed by DFES the Department For Education and Skills in the UK. This programme has been designed to be an outstanding investment of training time and resources. State of the art online instant electronic downloabable delivery and a total executive running duration of just 90 minutes, ensures the whole process start to finish can be completed in a morning, afternoon or evening.
The Einstein Gene is the first of our flagship 90 minute savant programmes, delivered as either Mp3 or Video course it focuses on memory. While memory does not sound exciting, you will agree it serves as a foundation for all learning. Our research based Post Literacy programme is a world first and a world beater. Savant's are real individuals with extraordinary abilities. The first of our research based courses is the 90 minute savant memory programme - developed to push the boundaries of human potential beyond it's current limitations. Our programme is a genuine breakthrough, it is not just educational/training software, this is the educational/training programme.
In layman’s terms this programme explains the basis of procedural memory in savants [procedural memory is long term memory the sort of memory used when learning to ride a bike, once learned it becomes fixed, savants are able to apply this type of memory in academics and training, savants score off the charts on the von restorff learning curves and so can you], our programme explains how savants use areas and circuits in the brain which the rest of ignore , the result is savant like abilities, rain Man like aptitude, approximating to eidetic or photographic recall over extended time frames.
our programme educational training programme explains procedural memory research based our research einstein gene this programme the first minute savant the einstein

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