The Birds 1.0
Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds (1963) is one of my favorites films.
Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds (1963) is one of my favorites films. This font was inspired by its opening titles which were designed by James S. Pollak. Each name appears in a serifless roman font, then is broken up and reassembled by the images of birds flapping past.
The letterforms are my own variation on Optima* with certain letters altered to match the film's. The bird shapes are based on my own photos of swarming crows on Thanksgiving 2004. The result doesn't match the individual film titles, but suggests the entire sequence of breaking letters and passing birds.
Includes two variations of each capital, plus punctuation, numbers, and international characters.
The Birds is a freeware font that was designed after the classic film "The Birds" after Alfred Hitchcock.
the birds match the alfred hitchcock

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