TCConverter Thermocouple Temp-Emf Converter 1.1.0
TCConverter Thermocouple Temp-Emf Converter is a free temperature to emf and emf to temperature converter tool for common thermocouple types.
TCConverter Thermocouple Temp-Emf Converter is a free temperature to emf and emf to temperature converter tool for common thermocouple types.
TCConverter does not use the approximate inverse functions to convert emfs to temperature.
It has a unique converting routine which ensures the emf to temperature converting accuracy of 10e-12 by using the TC's Reference Functions.
This version includes C, D and G type thermocouples.

Download TCConverter Thermocouple Temp-Emf Converter 1.1.0
Download TCConverter Thermocouple Temp-Emf Converter 1.1.0
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