Syncro SVN Client 9.1
Syncro SVN Client is a very useful tool that makes easier the document and code sharing between content authors or developers.
Syncro SVN Client is a very useful tool that makes easier the document and code sharing between content authors or developers. This multiplatform Subversion front-end allows you to browse repositories, check for changes, commit changes, update your working copy and examine the revision history.
The Syncro SVN Client was initially developed as an embedded application in the XML Editor and starting with version 8.1 of the editor it is available also as a separate product.
The Syncro SVN Client has been designed to offer powerful actions while keeping the interface as clean and simple as possible.
Syncro SVN Client features
Flexible Configuration of the User Interface
The Syncro SVN Client is composed of several views allowing you to browse the Subversion repositories and your local working copies, compare and merge modifications, check the revision history. All views are dockable, meaning that you can move them to create the optimal layout for your use case.
Subversion Repository Browsing
You can add multiple SVN repositories to the list and browse them in parallel. In this way you can identify the resources you need to checkout, or even create branches or tags directly in the repository.
Synchronizing with a Subversion Repository
In the synchronize view you can see the overall status of your working copy resources when compared to the repository resources. The view focuses on incoming and outgoing changes, where incoming ones are the changes that other users have committed since you last updated your working copy. The outgoing changes are the modifications you made to your working copy as a result of editing, removing or adding resources.
View Differences
One of the most common requirements in project development is to see what changes have been made to the files from your working copy or to the files from the repository. You can examine these changes after a synchronize operation with the repository, by using the Open in compare editor action from the contextual menu.
View Resource History
In Subversion, both files and directories are versioned and have a history. If you want to examine the history for a selected resource and find out what happened at a certain revision you can use the History view.
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