Script Start 1.5
What Exactly is Script Start?
Script Start is a useful, robust, easy to use and advanced logon script processor.
What Exactly is Script Start?
Script Start is a useful, robust, easy to use and advanced logon script processor. Script Start allows network administrators to instantaneously configure client machines with a few simple keystrokes by harnessing the power of the KiXtart scripting language.
What can I Administer with Script Start?
Map drives, install printers, configure Outlook profiles, modify environment variables, adjust internet proxy settings, configure RDP connections, and further customize client machines during user logon all via an intuitive graphical user interface. Because of Scrip Start's flexible architecture it is fully customizable and its capabilities limitless.
Don't see something here that you wish Script Start could help you administer? Don't be bashful, get in touch with us. Chances are we've got a solution for you.
Who is Script Start for?
Those charged with the setup and maintenance of corporate, government, military or educational networks consisting of client machines running Microsoft Operating Systems. Because of Script Start's intuitive graphical interface, Script Start is ideal for junior and advanced IT people alike.
How Does Script Start Work?
For those exploring the tech specs, we've drawn this handy little diagram below. You can also find out more in features and benefits.
Script Start features
script start client machines logon scripts for those intuitive graphical and advanced logon script

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