Script Sentry 2.7.1
Windows Scripting Host (WSH) is a double-edged sword.
Windows Scripting Host (WSH) is a double-edged sword. On one hand it can be used to make some very useful scripts to automate common Windows functions (for example, the Spell Checker script from PC911).
On the other hand, it can be very easy for a malicious user to make a virus using WSH. Script Sentry allows safe scripts to run on your system while alerting you if a script might harm your system.
In addition, Script Sentry prevents against malicious scripts hidden in ShellScrap (hidden SHS and SHB extensions) files, Word/Excel macro viruses, malicious HTA files, and accidentally run REG files.
You can specify which scripts/files should be allowed to run and Script Sentry will invisibly allow those to run. Script Sentry is a "set it and forget it" application so it takes up exactly 0MB of memory unless it's needed. NOTE: Script Sentry is not a replacement for a good anti-virus program, but a supplement to it.
An anti-virus program might stop a script virus once you update it's virus definition files, but before you do that the virus has a window of opportunity. Script Sentry will simply help close that window.
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