RustemSoft.Controls .NET 1.x assembly 1.04.84
RustemSoft.Controls .NET assembly from RustemSoft is a WinForms components software package specifically designed for .NET developers. The assembly will allow you to use all strengths of the MS .NET IDE without waiving the user interface elements your customers need.
RustemSoft provides the common controls you always wanted. Show date/time and numeric text boxes with simple and easy-to-manage properties. Create Windows XP style buttons with mouse over and click effects. Make anything appear as IP Address, SS#, Phone numbers, etc.
These elements are chock full of functionality that you won’t find in the Microsoft .NET controls, that make it easy to build professional and forcing user interfaces.
RustemSoft.Controls is a .NET class library with five powerful controls, fully integrated with the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET IDE and especially designed for easy inserting and arranging data on your customer .NET Windows Forms.
the microsoft net ide designed for rustemsoft controls

Download RustemSoft.Controls .NET 1.x assembly 1.04.84
Download RustemSoft.Controls .NET 1.x assembly 1.04.84
Purchase: Buy RustemSoft.Controls .NET 1.x assembly 1.04.84
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