Raxso Columbus 5.0
Try a lightning fast file/text finder with a rich set of features.
Try a lightning fast file/text finder with a rich set of features. Searching criteria includes files/folders with include/exclude filters. The unique Logical Text phrasing can help you quickly pinpoint text, or a combination of keywords in any file.
Comes with 2 viewers, a quick view for verification and quick copying, or double click to view the matching entry in the full file viewer with line count and navigation support.
Contains all standard shell commands plus many extras such as printing, exporting, etc.Raxso Columbus is a software that helps you to search and find files or text.
Full integration into the Windows Explorer shell and project support makes searching and working with files a snap. Plus this new release adds a host of new options and features that make it more productive and easier to use. Download Find It now and experience the difference!
Find It is an easy to use file and text finder with a rich set of features! Access your files fast with this state of the art file and text finder.
Find It Can Help You Find And Organize All Your Favorite Documents!
It's so accurate it will find virtually any file from any drive or folder, including multiple drives, a custom list of folders, or any combination there of. With multi-composite logical text searching or just straight keyword searching you'll be able to find what you're looking for in a snap.
With full integration into the Windows shell, a complete set of file commands, and a bunch of extras like printing, exporting, and full project support you'll wonder how you ever got along with out it.
Raxso Columbus features
any file logical text features that can help include exclude text finder file and help you navigation support raxso columbus printing exporting text searching viewer with

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Purchase: Buy Raxso Columbus 5.0
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