Quote 1.02
Quote helps you to start buying and selling stock and get rich NOW! Ok, so maybe that isn't going to happen, but if you want to track one stock in particular, and see how it's doing, then you've come to the right place.
Quote helps you to start buying and selling stock and get rich NOW! Ok, so maybe that isn't going to happen, but if you want to track one stock in particular, and see how it's doing, then you've come to the right place...
AnalogX Quote is a simple little program that retrieves an assortment of information related to a stock symbol that you enter, and updates a display and graph in near realtime (data is delayed 15 minutes by data provider). For people who have stock options, and would like to know just how well (or badly) they are doing at any given time during the day, it doesn't get much simpler than this.
Quote gets all of it's information from NASDAQ, and charts the stocks activity over the last 60 minutes (sampling every 30 seconds). It will also display the previous day's closing price as a light green line to help you see how the stock has traded relative to the day before.

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