PrecisionID Code 3 of 9 Barcode Fonts 3.0
The Code 39 Barcode Font Package contains 6 sizes of TrueType and PostScript fonts, each supplied in normal and text readable format.
The Code 39 Barcode Font Package contains 6 sizes of TrueType and PostScript fonts, each supplied in normal and text readable format. The package also contains complete documentation, specifications and implementation examples.
Some implementations of Code 3 of 9 (such as Logmars) require a check digit. For this purpose, we provide Font Formatting Components which include a Crystal Reports UFL, Microsoft VBA module for Excel and Access and Visual Basic source code which may also be used as a guide for conversion to other languages. This bar-code type is also known as Barcode 3/9, Logmars or Code 3 of 9. The download is fully functional and only contains a watermark in the upper portion of the barcode.
Windows 95 or greaterLimitations
Fully Functional watermark in barcode
fully functional

Download PrecisionID Code 3 of 9 Barcode Fonts 3.0
Download PrecisionID Code 3 of 9 Barcode Fonts 3.0
Purchase: Buy PrecisionID Code 3 of 9 Barcode Fonts 3.0
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