PDF-IndexCut 1.0
PDF-IndexCut will help you if you need a fast web access for your online-documents.
PDF-IndexCut will help you if you need a fast web access for your online-documents. In a batch-process you can copy a small part from your big documents... perhaps the title page and the index.
This small documents will contain links to the big one. If someone find the small file interest enough he can klick on the link and the big file opens. So nobody have to wait opening or download the big files and recognize then that it's not so interesting for him.
You can use it with all well known IDEs (.NET-IDEs, too!).
Try it with Visual Basic, VBA, Delphi, C, C++, ...
Here are some key features of "PDF IndexCut":
the big link text text the the link pdf indexcut and the you can

Download PDF-IndexCut 1.0
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