paxStudio 1.2
paxStudio is an Integrated Development Environment, wich combines visual form designer, script editing and debugging facilities, help system and a lot of auxiliary services.
paxStudio is an Integrated Development Environment, wich combines visual form designer, script editing and debugging facilities, help system and a lot of auxiliary services.
paxStudio supports 4 scripting languages - paxPascal, paxBasic, paxC and JavaScript.
Script storage and run possible both the source code and compiled binary files.
paxPascal scripting language is compatible with Borland Delphi and Free Pascal 2.0.
Compact paxRuntime, being a part of paxStudio, will alllow you to execute scripts on any computer where it is installed.
paxStudio combines the speed of development of scripting languages and convenience of modern GUI development environment for this languages.
If you are acquainted with Visual Studio or Delphi, you won't have to learn a new scripting language as you are sure to know one of the dialects supported by paxStudio.
Scripting languages support constant, variable, procedure, function, event, class and array (including dynamic) description, and allow to use external DLL interfaces and functions.
Components model used in paxStudio is inherited from Borland VCL, so if you are acquainted with this library it will considerable simplify the use of this powerful tool.
Designer allows visual application interface development by means of Drag and Drop. At that the source code for application initialization, calsses and event handlers procedures are generated automatically.
You will be able to use several languages in one project, and use objects written in one language in the module written in the different one. You will be able to develop applications with the code, wich canbe fully or partialy modified by end users. This will make your programs maximally flexible and customizible.
In spite of scripting origin of paxStudio languages, the possibility of compilation considerable increases the performance of applications and compares them to programs, compiled by traditional compilers.
Compact paxRuntime is all you need to run your script application on the target computer, it will cause you no difficulties to distribute your products written by paxStudio.
you are scripting languages are acquainted you will acquainted with scripting language the source source code development environment compact paxruntime

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