MUSHclient 3.45
MUSHclient is a fast MUD/MUSH/MUCK/MOO client for Windows.
MUSHclient is a fast MUD/MUSH/MUCK/MOO client for Windows.
MUSHclient was entirely written in C++, hence it features high speed and compact size.
Easy to use
MUSHclient uses the "standard" Windows look-and-feel. Connecting to a MUD is really simple. Just select "Quick Connect" on the Connection menu, fill in the MUD's IP address and port number, and click OK!
Add plugins to your world to extend MUSHclient's functionality! Over a dozen plugins are supplied with MUSHclient, plus you can download more from the plugins web page, and from other plugin authors.
Plugins are related groups of triggers, timers, aliases, scripts and variables. They are easily installed and removed.
Enhance your MUD experience with:
MUSHclient files (world files, plugins, triggers, aliases, timers, variables) are saved in industry-standard XML format.
You can copy and paste triggers, aliases, etc. from one world to another.
Actively supported
The MUSHclient forum is a place for getting help, tips, asking questions, and generally getting support for MUSHclient.
You can use scripting to enhance the way that triggers, timers, aliases react to events, and also do additional things as required, like automatically reconnect, send "socials" randomly, and so on.
You can script in any of the following languages:
There are over 310 script functions and properties that can be called by scripting routines (plus some additional ones that are specific to Lua only).
Recent versions support in-line scripting, so that triggers, aliases and timers can "make decisions" inline without having to use a separate script file.
There is a built-in editor to allow you to write scripts from within the program, which offers quick access to the help file entries for all script functions.
MXP and MCCP support
MUSHclient supports MUD Client Compression Protocol, versions 1 and 2 (MCCP), and Mud eXtension Protocol (MXP)
Proxy server support
MUSHclient supports connecting via Socks 4 and 5 proxy servers.
Chat system
MUSHclient has a built-in chat system that is compatible with both MudMaster and zChat protocols. You can use it to both make and receive chat calls to other compatible clients (including MUSHclient of course!). This includes the capability to send files, snoop their output, send commands, and more. The chat system is fully scriptable.
You can have dozens of worlds open at once. Each one can have up to 500, lines of recent output saved in memory. Each one can remember the last 5, commands you typed. There is a search facility for quickly finding individual items.
Multiple worlds support
You can even enter a single command and have it sent simultaneously to all, or selected, worlds.
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