Movie Label 2007 2.6.2
Do you have a collection of movies and are looking for the most efficient way to catalog it? Look no further.
Do you have a collection of movies and are looking for the most efficient way to catalog it? Look no further... Movie Label 2006 is the answer to your problems.
With more than 10 years of experience in creating collection software; Code|Aero Technologies now offers Movie Label 2006. This cutting edge software contains powerful functionality but is still very easy to use. Movie Label enables you to catalog your entire movie collection (VHS, DVD, Laser Disc, movies on your hard disk, etc).
Fast and Easy data entry
Getting all data about your moives into the database is totally hassle free. Simply start the Movie Query function and type the name of the movie you wish to add to your collection. Movie Label will then download a wide range of data about the movie and add it to your database.
Easy and Advanced search and sort
You will always find what you are looking for in your collection no matter if you are experienced with computers or not. Movie Label contains both a simple search and a more advanced search for a more accurate search result. Sorting is also easy; just click the column header and your collection will be sorted by that particular field.
Printing and exporting
Movie Label offers a variety of pre-designed reports as well as a built in easy-to-use report designer. Powerful export options are also available, where you can define the export layout and export to XML, HTML, Excel and texfiles.
Manage multiple collections
If you have multiple collections in your household, Movie Label enables you to keep a separate database for each collection.
Reliability and Speed
Movie Label 2006 is built on a powerful client/server database engine for optimal reliability and speed.
Here are some key features of "Movie Label":
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Download Movie Label 2007 2.6.2
Download Movie Label 2007 2.6.2
Purchase: Buy Movie Label 2007 2.6.2
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