MMScript 1.0
MMScript gives you a "Mighty Mini" plug-in for triggering and scheduling scripts.
MMScript gives you a "Mighty Mini" plug-in for triggering and scheduling scripts. MMScript is a special script calling plug-in. It allows you to create a whole calendar of events. You can trigger a script now, or any time in the future. Even the most complex schedules can be done easily with MMScript.
MMScript make setting up script triggers a snap. For example, you can set up a script to trigger in 5 minutes or 5 days. In addition to one time events, you can schedule recurring events. You can instruct the plug-in to trigger a script every fifteen minutes or every first Monday of each month. It is as easy to set up as any good calendar program. You can even set a script to trigger after a user has been idle for a designated amount of time.
A few possible uses:
MMScript features
With MMScript you can Trigger a script:
you can events you the future idle for field exit been idle has been can trigger with mmscript any time

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