MistyChartNet 1.0
MistyChartNet is a .
MistyChartNet is a .NET C# based charting component for WinForms.
1. Customize various attributes at design time in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 and above
2. Customize various attributes including Chart Type using popup menus at runtime.
3. Supports many chart types
4. Supports Print Preview and Print
5. Supports copy to clipboard for pasting to documents like Microsoft Word
6. Supports saving chart in .png, .jpeg and .gif format
7. Get data directly from Excel file
8. Supports Image, Color transparency and hatch styles
9. Drag chart items to modify value or enter new value of data point
10. Most chart types are available as vertical and horizontal orientation
11. Allows dynamically changing data using API
12. Data can be loaded from any source using APIs
13. Supports multiple Color Palettes
14. Supports pre-defined borders.
13. Attributes customizable are :
a. Axes (Color, Font, Line Thickness, Labels, Values)
b. Horizontal and Vertical Grid (Color, Line Thickness)
c. Plot (Bckground Color, Background hatch style, background image, Text Color, Font, Background Hatch Style)
d. Title and Sub-Title (Color, Font, Alignment)
e. Data Point (ImageColor, Hatch Style)
f. Background (Color)
color font hatch style line thickness background hatch data point various attributes chart types customize various

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