ME Weights 3.0
ME Weights 3.
ME Weights 3.0 calculates the volume and weight of any combination of twenty shapes and a large variety of materials commonly used in manufacturing and construction.
The program can optionally calculate the volume and weight of an assembly of diverse shapes and materials. Shapes may be defined as solids or cavities. A detailed summary of the assembly data can be viewed, printed, or saved in .csv format.
Shapes include:
hexagonal, octagonal, rectangular, square, and round solid bar
round, square, and rectangular tubing
sphere, hollow sphere, pyramid, cone, cone frustum (truncated cone), spherical cap, and torus(donut)
Square and rectangular solid stock may have external corner radii defined. Square and rectangular tubing may have internal and/or external radii defined. This allows for the calculation of a large number of "custom" shapes.
A large selection of commercial pipe, angle, channel, and I-Beam dimensions is included.
There is a substantial built-in material density database, or a user-defined value may be used. Dimensional data can be input as any combination of inches, feet, millimeters, and meters. Output can be in U.S. or metric units.
Input may be numerical or in the form of an expression - 1.500 or 1 1/2 or 1+1/2 or 1+(1/2) or (1+1/2), among others.
The required files total less than 200k, and are installed simply by copying them to a directory of your choice. A User Guide is included.
Demo version limited to two material types from each category, user-defined material disabled.
square and and rectangular rectangular tubing radii defined user defined may have data can volume and and weight any combination shapes and the volume

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