MathProf 4.0
MathProf is an easy to use mathematics software.
MathProf is an easy to use mathematics software. Through the use of two and three dimensional graphics, MathProf can display mathematical correlations in a very clear and simple way.
The program covers the following areas in approximately 180 subroutines:
MathProf helps Junior High School students with problems in Geometry and Algebra. High School and College students, seeking to expand their knowledge into further reaching mathematical concepts find this program very useful as well.
This program is also a tool for users of various ages and professions to create simple two dimensional drawings or to clarify and visualize geometrical correlations.
Because MathProf is so easy to handle it also helps to intensify the understanding of familiar subjects. It is requiered though, that the mathematical theme has already been taught and the basic correlations are known.
Every mathematical subject is enriched with examples, helping the user to easily get an overview of

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