JiveLint 1.22
JiveLint is a command line tool employing static analysis on your JAVA source code.
JiveLint is a command line tool employing static analysis on your JAVA source code. Potential bugs and weak points are reported and the manual describes how the source code can be improved. JiveLint also checks that the source code follows a set of coding convention rules.
For example, JiveLint will find unused code and variables, switch blocks without a default case, if a class overrides "Object.equals()" but not "Object.hashCode()", if code use == to compare Strings instead of equals().
JiveLint's goals:
-Improve source code quality by pointing out a large number of dangerous source code constructs.
-Improve readability, maintainability and debugging by enforcing a carefully selected set of coding and naming conventions.
-Communicate knowledge how to write high quality code by an in-detail manual describing and reasoning why a rule will improve source code quality.
source code code quality the source improve source

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