JDebugTool 3.9.7 Pro
JDebugTool has:
-A standalone Java debugger.
JDebugTool has:
-A standalone Java debugger.
-Built on top of the standard JPDA (Java Platform Debugger Architecture).
-Is itself written in Java.
-Features an intuitive and graphical Java Swing GUI.
-Context sensitive Help Viewer.
Here are some key features of "JDebugTool":
Standards Based Built on top of the standard JPDA (Java Debugger Platform Architecture). JDebugTool should work with any JPDA compliant JVM. JDK 1.5 (Java 5), J2SDK 1.4, and JDK 1.3 are supported.
Debug Debug Java Applications, Applets, Servlets and EJBs.
Portable JDebugTool is totally written in Java itself.
Intuitive & Graphical The Java Swing GUI is logically divided into resizable panels and popup dialogs. Data is color coded, and displayed in trees and tables (tables can be sorted and table columns can be hidden or shown). There are tool tips, right-click popup context menus and keyboard accelerators throughout the GUI.
Help Viewer JDebugTool has an integrated Help Viewer. Context sensitive help is available throughout the GUI.
Global Settings Change the Look and Feel of the GUI and also change globally the font size of the GUI.
Projects Debugger settings are saved according to projects. There is always a default project, if you do not want to create any projects.
Source Files Each source file is displayed (syntax color coded) in its own tabbed pane. The left margin annotates the line numbers, breakpoints and the current Execution Point.
External Text Editor Launch a User definable External Text Editor in which to edit the currently displayed Java source file.
Search Find a particular string or go to a particular line number in a Source File.
Source Tree Traverse your source code tree(s) and display selected source files.
Navigator Display (and quickly navigate to) the class (including inner classes) and corresponding methods hierarchy obtained by parsing the top displayed Java source file.
Classes Hierarchy Displays the hierarchy of classes (and inner classes) that have been loaded into the target JVM. The total number of classes currently loaded is displayed. For each package, the number of loaded classes is also displayed. For each class the attributes, methods and fields are displayed. The corresponding source code can be displayed for each class and its methods.
Breakpoints Set breakpoint(s) at a particular line number or method of a class. Breakpoints can be enabled, disabled and cleared.
Breakpoint Groups Breakpoints can belong to breakpoint groups. Breakpoints can be cleared, enabled and disabled based on breakpoint group.
Exceptions Stop execution when a particular exception or any uncaught exception is thrown. Debugger exceptions can be enabled and disabled.
Chained Exceptions The debugger supports the new J2SDK 1.4 chained exceptions feature -- each exception in the chain is displayed.
Watchpoints Stop on class field access (read), or modification (write) combined with comparison (==, !=, =) to a particular value. The watchpoint can be constrained to a particular object instance (J2SDK 1.4).
Thread Start & Death Events Stop execution on thread start and stop events -- filter by thread name or thread group.
Class Prepare & Unload Events Stop on class prepare and unload events -- filter by class name or package name with class name wild card.
Method Entry & Exit Events Stop on method entry and exit events, selectable on a per thread basis.
Execution Single step (step in, over and out of methods) and run to cursor, resume, suspend and restart execution.
Stepping Excludes The user can specify classes not to step into (like 3rd party packages).
Locals View local variables (and types) in the current scope.
This View class fields (and types) [including the inheritance hierarchy] in the current scope.
Watches Watch key local variables and class (this) fields (and types) in the current scope. Also watch array and field accesses in the current scope, and also static fields.
Objects View the fields (and types) of an object [including the inheritance hierarchy]. Object IDs are displayed throughout the GUI.
To String Invoke the toString() method on an object and view the resulting string.
Arrays View selected array ranges.
Modify Variables Modify the values of primitive variables directly in the GUI.
Expressions and Invoke Methods Interactively evaluate simple expressions including method calls.
Source Variables View variables in the current scope (including array and field accesses, and static fields from other classes) in the source code as tool tips. View objects and selected array ranges in the current scope in popup dialogs.
Threads View the current threads (including thread object ID, name, status and group). Change the current context of the debugger to a particular thread. Interrupt execution of a particular thread causing an InterruptedException to be thrown.
Stack View the current stack backtrace and traverse individual stack frames to change the current context of the debugger.
Run The debugger can invoke the target JVM to be debugged. The main class and arguments, classpath, and JVM arguments can be specified.
Standard Input/Output If the debugger invoked the target JVM, then the (color-coded) standard input, output and error streams are displayed. The user can type the standard input to be sent to the target.
Local & Remote Debugging Debug the target JVM executing locally or remotely separated by a network.
Attach The debugger can attach to a target JVM that has been invoked outside the debugger.
Listen The debugger can listen for a target JVM (that has been invoked outside the debugger) to connect to the debugger.
Target Info Displays information about the target JVM such as the bootclasspath, the classpath, version and debugging capabilities.
Connectors Displays the debugging connectors supported by your host JVM.
Memory Usage Display the memory usage of both JDebugTool and also the target JVM.
System Properties Display the Java System properties of both JDebugTool and also the target JVM.
Hot Swap The debugger supports the new J2SDK 1.4 Hot Swap feature. This supports fix and continue debugging, and also updating a long running server program without restarting the server program.
Pop Stack Frame(s) The debugger supports the new J2SDK 1.4 Pop stack frame(s) feature. This supports re-executing method(s) particularly those that are Hot Swapped.
the debugger the current target jvm the target current scope the gui and also and types view the source file for each displayed for are displayed
Download JDebugTool 3.9.7 Pro
Download JDebugTool 3.9.7 Pro
Buy JDebugTool 3.9.7 Pro
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