Instrumentation Graph Extension ActiveX Components 3.000
The Graph Instrumentation ActiveX component package provides another group of the ActiveX components which can be applied in the Graphic User Interface applications.
The Graph Instrumentation ActiveX component package provides another group of the ActiveX components which can be applied in the Graphic User Interface applications.
The components in this package are used not only for display of data, but also for modifying of data(especially for setpoint changes of control variables). In this package, there are 6 components in it, i.e., SmartButton, Switch, Slider, Switch Slider, Knob and Switch Knob.
Instrumentation Graph Extension ActiveX Components can be used in any application which needs different kinds of buttons, like Round Rectangle Button, Diamond Button, Triangle Button, Ellipse Button, Hover Button, Arrow Button and other user configurable buttons. All these buttons can be configured to different user interface(Flat, 3D or Gradient).
The Switch Component is designed for TRUE/FALSE or ON/OFF Toggle Switch. Its user interface can be fully comtomer configurable which supports customer-provided picture type and many predefined 3D switch types.
The Slider Component is a versatile input instrument graphic component for slider. It provides many properties to allow the designer to configure its apperance, especially provide many kinds of the Markers.
The Switch Slider Components takes the same user interface form as the Slider component, but it is used to provide multiple options for user to select, or to set the discrete value of the some variables, and the Slider is used to set the continous value.
The Knob and the Switch Knob are similar to to the Slider and the Switch Slider. The Knob is a multi-purpose and highly customizable graphic round component to adjust the continous value, where the Switch Knob is a rotaing round switch for multiple options.
the switch switch slider the slider user interface and the switch knob the continous set the the knob continous value slider component knob and activex components

Download Instrumentation Graph Extension ActiveX Components 3.000
Download Instrumentation Graph Extension ActiveX Components 3.000
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