HyperLabel 1.0.1
The Hyperlink control displays as a hyperlink (like the ones in web browsers) and can be customised for colour and underline for both hovered and unhovered states.
The Hyperlink control displays as a hyperlink (like the ones in web browsers) and can be customised for colour and underline for both hovered and unhovered states.
The hovered state is displayed when the users mouse is positioned over the control.
When the control is clicked it will perform an action which is customisable by the programmer:
* Open a browser and navigate to the specified web page.
* Create a new email message using the email client application installed on the end users computer. The programmer can customise the subject line and a single line of message text. The action of this email creation is identical to what happens when you click an email link in a web browser window.
* Launch a file. This can be an exe file or a data file that Windows has an association for. For example if the target was a file named data.doc then Windows will open this document in MS Word if installed or possibly WordPad on those computers without MS Word.
This action can include a commandline to pass to executable files and a default folder. By stating just a path then an explorer view of that path will be displayed.
* Custom event. The control can raise an event so that the programmer can write code to determine the action taken when the control is clicked.
Other Features:
* The HyperLabel control recognizes the operating system and will use the shadowed hyperlink hand icon where available.
* The control can be configured to have a transparent background so can sit on top of pictures, images and other controls.
Unregistered controls work in a limited Freeware mode so the control is still useful without purchasing a licence. Purchasing a licence releases the full potential of the control.
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