Gen4DO 1.0.5
Gen4DO is an easy to use yet powerful .
Gen4DO is an easy to use yet powerful .NET developer utility which generates a C# data access architecture directly from database tables and views.
Speed up the development and improve the architecture of your database driven .NET applications!
Ease of use
Clear and intuitive user interface
Straightforward architecture of the generated classes
No further software dependencies
Just generate the code from your database tables and use it
Clear and extensible architecture
Understand the generated architecture and create a Business Logic Layer from scratch in 10 minutes (see Documentation, Learn by example)
All generated classes are partial C# classes, so you can extend them easily without touching the generated parts
Supported databases
Microsoft Access
Microsoft SQL Server 2
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Code features
Generates partial C# classes to separate the generated code from the manual code
No inheritance used, so you can use your own base class
Constructors with all required (not nullable) fields
Full support of Nullable Types
Easy insert und update functionality with a Persist method
Automatic retrieval of new auto primary key values
Get, TryGet methods for retrieval by primary key values
Write your queries in the database vendor’s SQL dialect
Query results are returned as a typed list (IList)
Support of optimistic locking as concurrency strategy
Support of transactions (with individual IsolationLevel)
Generates Data Transfer Objects with full serialization support (Xml, Soap, Binary)
Ready for multi-threading (each thread has its own connection/transaction)
Generates Find methods for all properties (take them as examples for your own queries)
No stored procedures needed
Fair price
Don't pay too much for more than you really need
the generated your own sql server primary key methods for key values microsoft sql code from your database tables and clear and generated classes database tables

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