Gas Mileage Tracker 1.0

Gas Mileage Tracker 1.0 Screenshot Gas Mileage Tracker is a program developed to help you understand and track your gas mileage (MPG) and gasoline usage.

Developer:   Duck Software
      software by Duck Software →
Price:  0.00
License:   Freeware
File size:   0K
OS:   Windows Vista (?)
Rating:   0 /5 (0 votes)

Gas Mileage Tracker is a program developed to help you understand and track your gas mileage (MPG) and gasoline usage. You can track your total miles and gas mileage (MPG), your total highway miles and highway gas mileage, as well as your city miles and city gas mileage.

You will have a record on when you filled up on gas, how many miles you got in a given tank, how much you spent, and what your MPG (miles per gallon) was for the tank of gas.

It allows you to track MPG for any number of cars or other vehicles. You can get overall gas mileage (MPG) statics or get the gas mileage statistic for each car separately. There is also a section for notes where you can record any special data for a specific gasoline or fuel fill up. A search function will help you find those fuel details at a later date.

Gas Mileage Tracker can print out MPG reports sorted by car or by date on the fill ups. A blank report can be printed to be used as a form to fill out any MPG fuel data by hand while you are at the gas station.

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Gas Mileage Tracker 1.0 screenshot

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