FasterMath 1.0
FasterMath is a free and handy application that will help you to learn the facts of math better.
FasterMath is a free and handy application that will help you to learn the facts of math better. Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction may be practiced. Help may be turned on for beginners showing a visual representation of the math problem. No matter how old you are it can't hurt to get a little faster. When I went to school all timed tests were written so typing errors never played into test results. Typing errors are often the source of errors that can consume time better spent in the office, so since we live in a day where numeric keypad skills and math skills are a valuable commodity in the office - learn them both. This software does keep record of student errors so that an instructor may see if the problem is typing based or math based.
Being slow at the facts of math will hinder you from proceeding to more advanced math that proves amazing things. That math builds on the facts, so if you are a 3 year old student or have already found some profession like a police officer in Contra Costa County (that only needs to know simple addition to tally monthly ticket totals), this tool may help you get a better job in this world. Digging ditches is not a bad job, but building and designing digging machinery is more fun. More important than what you do, is if you can be content doing it. Although this product may help affect the kind of job you might get, it cannot help you enjoy your work and be content. For that kind of help, I recommend starting your study with Proverbs, Psalms, Luke, and Romans from the Bible.
The software is free for all educational purposes, free for schools, free for offices, free for home use. If you paid for it, the money was collected illegally and you should report the seller to the authorities even if seller claims that he only sold you the CD and the software was free. If you acquired this software from any website that does not have permission to distribute it, report them to the authorities because distribution rights are strictly held by "United Business Technologies" for this product.
It has a 'race theme' and contains images of a race car owned by Contra Costa County, as well as images of my motorcycle also in Contra Costa County possession. In school, during timed tests there was a silence in the room except for pencils slamming down as the tests were finished. Since the pencil is not used for this study, a sound of tires screeching signals the completion of the test, unless you are very fast and you hear music.
Have fun with it and learn with it.
This is a product with a future, because anything without a future might as well already be dead. An 'internet enabled' version is used by 'United Business Technologies' and soon other businesses as an interviewing tool to help decide about further employment considerations.
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