F-Force Malware Disinfection 1.00.0012
F-Force Malware Disinfection is a useful program that will disinfects computers who are infected with known variants of the following malware:
Agobot (Backdoor.
F-Force Malware Disinfection is a useful program that will disinfects computers who are infected with known variants of the following malware:
Agobot (Backdoor.Win32.Agobot)
Aimbot (Backdoor.Win32.Aimbot)
Bagle (Email-Worm.Win32.Bagle, except .N, .O, .P, .Q, .R variants)
Bozori (Net-Worm.Win32.Bozori)
Codbot (Backdoor.Win32.Codbot)
Dumaru (Email-Worm.Win32.Dumaru)
Fanbot (Backdoor.Win32.Fanbot)
Forbot (Backdoor.Win32.Forbot)
IRCBot (Backdoor.Win32.IRCBot)
Mitglieder (Trojan-Proxy.Win32.Mitglieder or Trojan-Spy.Win32.Mitglieder)
Mydoom (Email-Worm.Win32.Mydoom)
Mytob (Net-Worm.Win32.Mytob)
Netsky (Email-Worm.Win32.NetSky)
Padobot (Net-Worm.Win32.Padobot)
Poebot (Backdoor.Win32.Poebot)
Rbot (Backdoor.Win32.Rbot)
SDBot (Backdoor.Win32.SdBot)
Spybot (P2P-Worm.Win32.SpyBot)
Wootbot (Backdoor.Win32.Wootbot)
Zafi (Email-Worm.Win32.Zafi)
In addition the F-Force utility detects EICAR test file.
The F-Force utility might be able to disinfect computers that are infected
with new variants of these backdoors and worms, however disinfection will
only work if these variants are detected generically by AVP engine.
The F-Force utility disinfects Windows HOSTS file by removing entries that
were added by malware. In addition the utility automatically restores the
default EXE file startup string in case it was modified by malware.
The F-Force utility creates a log file named F-FORCE.LOG in the root
Windows directory (usually C:WINDOWS). The log file is appended every
time the F-Force utility is run.
1. Unpack the F-Force utility from the provided ZIP archive either with
WinZip or PkUnzip utilities. A trial version of WinZip archiver can be
downloaded from the following website:
backdoor win32 worm win32 force utility email worm net worm log file from the infected with addition the the following win32 mitglieder are infected

Download F-Force Malware Disinfection 1.00.0012
Download F-Force Malware Disinfection 1.00.0012
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