DeadLine 2.36
DeadLine is an useful application, especially as an educational support, offering visual indications about the number of roots of an equation and a very precise estimation of those roots.
DeadLine is an useful application, especially as an educational support, offering visual indications about the number of roots of an equation and a very precise estimation of those roots.
The freeware solves equations graphically and numerically. It displays the graph of the function and a list of the real roots of the equation. It also includes the option to evaluate the function and the first two derivatives, find extrema of the function. You can even obtain the first two derivatives. Save the results provided by DeadLine and even create projects for future use.
While there is no flawless method for solving equations, the program combines the most successful methods in order to deliver you the right answer. And if you don't believe it's true, locate the roots on the graphic and convince yourself.
No more problems on getting your homework done. Solve your problems in a flash. Meet the DeadLine, enter the second level.
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Download DeadLine 2.36
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