CTEXT 2K.232
If you are like me you are not happy that windows does not support ANSI color codes on the command line.
If you are like me you are not happy that windows does not support ANSI color codes on the command line.
This utility allows you to display text in different colors in console batch files etc. In fact it goes one better than ANSI codes, if the output is redirected then the output will not contain color codes (which tend to make the output harder to read)!
No device drivers ("ANSI.SYS" etc) are required.
In Windows 95, 98 and ME you can change the color of the text on the CTEXT.EXE command line but it may or may not stick for longer (ie its flakey).
In Windows XP, NTand 2k it will also set the color until it's changed again.
the output the color command line color codes you are

Download CTEXT 2K.232
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