CSC Date Calculator 2.2
CSC Date Calculator is a software which quickly counts the days until your deadline.
CSC Date Calculator is a software which quickly counts the days until your deadline.
You can even tell CSC Date Calculator which days not to count like weekends and vacations.
You decide. CSC Date Calculator counts the days with professional precision and super speed. Don't waste time counting and recounting days on your desk calendar and spend the time you save with your newspaper and coffee instead.
Missed deadlines are the number one risk for professional liability suits. Purchase CSC Date Calculator for your staff and watch docketing errors disappear. On the telephone with opposing counsel, take command of dates and deadlines with split-second speed and laser sharp precision. Great gift for legal professional.
Make their day better and show them you understand a chief source of tension in the law office.
CSC Date Calculator banishes counting errors forever.
csc date date calculator the days counts the

Download CSC Date Calculator 2.2
Download CSC Date Calculator 2.2
Purchase: Buy CSC Date Calculator 2.2
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